


Staying committed to the plan is ALL I NEED. And monitoring our mental well-being and task management is also essential within the framework of a work-life balance strategy.

Self-Assessment of Pressure

  1. Job Insecurity and Self-Doubt: Experiencing job-related stress has led to a profound sense of self-doubt regarding my career path and the work I am currently engaged in.

  2. Challenges of the Nvidia English Interview: Preparing for the Nvidia English interview has required a significant amount of time and effort to revamp and enhance my English language skills.

task priority


  1. tagged the task with different
  2. pressure-increase degree
  3. use/not use brain work (which can be done in dull meeting time)

footnote trick

In this post I use footnote to tag the task.

Important and Enmergency

Many work have a nearby but not exact deadline, we should do it as faster as we can.

  1. 毕业大论文(大纲与三个研究点,100页)
  2. 找工作:translate PPT for nvidia interview
  3. read PIM paper for 组会
    1. experiments result
    2. further designs
  4. PIM的实验
    1. 利用MultiPIM对ramulator的支持实现podman下 异构内存的访问的模拟2
    2. 之后可能有ETH与另一个人合作的ISCA的实验,
    3. Utopia两篇论文的workload也很适合加入我们的测试集里。
  5. lab homepage SSG programming
  6. What to choose and sale(手办和电子设备)
  7. 百度租房群,招飞哥?
What is necessary in busy life and limited space.

All for better work 1. 可爱好看,让人开心的手办 > 瑟瑟手办

Daily Self-Learning Routine

  1. Vocabulary Building (30+30+40) 1: Dedicate time to memorizing English words and expanding your vocabulary. Aim for 30 words in the morning, another 30 in the afternoon, and 40 in the evening.
  2. English Listening Exercise: Enhance your English language skills by actively engaging in listening exercises. This could involve listening to podcasts, watching English news, or any content that piques your interest.
  3. Polish Your Blog in English Blog Tone: Work on your English blog content with a focus on achieving a natural and engaging tone. Ensure your content is not only informative but also appealing to your readers.
  4. Manage Your To-Do List: Take time to review your task list and ensure you've completed or made progress on a task in the specified section of this blog. Keeping your tasks organized and up to date is essential for productivity.

By incorporating these daily self-learning activities into your routine, you can make steady progress in enhancing your English language skills, maintaining your blog, and staying on top of your tasks.

Important framework

  1. move photos to github1
  2. 工作流
  3. https://github.com/pengsida/learning_research
  4. https://www.notion.so/qcjiang/from-c54acfa0064d4366a0fa65007b7e96ee?pvs=4 我给新师弟写了一份科研入门小攻略,整理了实验室同学经常在用的一些工具和网站,大家可以按需取用
  5. CS自学指南 https://csdiy.wiki/
  6. 大牛论文


confusion points




  1. 线程间共享全局变量吗,
    1. 应该与实现有关,OpenMP可以灵活的设置哪些变量是共享和私有的。
  2. linux线程进程的区别
  3. PIA overleaf
    1. 和分段的思维的区别
    2. 物理 虚拟两维的理解
  4. mlpd page + Mosaic Pages: Big TLB Reach with Small Pages MLB VLB


  1. 前端:探究mkdocs search 的原理(主要在如何分词的,target: 怎么写md能提高我想要的词在search中的优先级)
  2. 数学:离散数学 - 类群论 范畴论(函数表达) 代数结构,半群,幺半群。王垠 函数式, Rust语言,编程范式,结构化。分型。形式化定义
  3. AI颠覆数学研究!陶哲轩借AI破解数学猜想,形式化成功惊呆数学圈
  4. tools: git pre-commit hooks+
  5. HPC: 性能相关教程:*Denis Bakhvalov*
  6. 计网:传统的崩坏三更新慢?走了代理吗?
  7. 可视化:python开发者快速可视化
  8. AI: 昇腾相关的,比如编译器TVM一类的, 首先要理解训练与推理的细节拆分,高级语言到机器码的过程 ,首先要能支持跑通,然后性能的关键在哪里?计算,访存,互联? 互联网厂商使用者视角的优化范围 与NV,华为,昆仑等生成商的视角有何不同呢?
  9. 硬件:1. 华为芯片,14nm++,fake 3nm
    1. 光刻机和制造工艺是如何绕过的
  10. 游戏: Vertex Shader 顶点着色器 Triangleprocessing 三角形处理 Rasterization 光栅化 Pixel Shader 像素着色器 Frame Buffer 帧缓冲器
    天玑9300 ![](https://pic.shaojiemike.top/shaojiemike/2023/11/f023cae4713b44d7c550e6457e39f286.png)

Overview to update

"Fake it till you make it" (or "Fake it until you make it")


身心状况: 自信(82定律) 与 勇气(及格线行动力)

交流能力: 可视化能力,深入浅出的解释能力

洞察见解: 理实交融:理论与实验交叉验证


人格魅力,外貌和精神的。 优先级矩阵在现实中的问题





If I were a bird

小狗钱钱 方向最重要.



  1. without brain dull work 

  2. coding and experiment 

  3. learning new ideas 
