
Balance (Efficient) work & life time


"Balancing work and personal life is the cornerstone of a successful and productive career."


  1. 大致适应工作时期的弹性工作制
  2. 科学规律
    1. 工作内容的安排相互交替(次昼夜节律)
    2. 以睡眠(包括午睡)为切分,人的状态会从只能被动接受,到能输出记忆中的模板内容,到创造性的想法和改变已有思路,然后变得疲倦
    3. 睡眠基本科学规律
  3. 需要穿插补充的内容
    1. 锻炼身体(跑步和特训)
      1. 可以放松,但是会过于兴奋,不利于睡眠
      2. 晚饭前是不错的选择。
    2. 钢琴(复习和学习)
      1. 多巩固练习可以放松精神,
      2. 学习可以减少,经常发现自己能力有限,反而会焦虑。
    3. 外语学习(读写融入工作流中)
      1. 听力最好是安静的散步时进行。上班通勤的某一段,或者晚饭后散步。
      2. 单词记忆穿插进行。
    4. 拓展视野
      1. 相关AI公众号
      2. 相关视频博主(数码,科学)


ref, 咖啡原理:腺苷受体占位符,20分钟生效,5-7小时半衰期。


  1. 心流的工作方式:
  2. 常见类型:竞技类,创造类,刺激类
  3. 特点:感兴趣,排除影响干扰,有挑战但不过难,不太耗费身体体力
  4. 有氧运动
  5. 真正的休息:停止一切刺激消耗大脑的事。什么都不想,什么信息也不看(不刷手机),静坐呼吸/补觉


  1. 每個工作時段(25 mins)結束後,休息 5 分鐘
  2. 完成四個時段之後,休息一段較長的時間,約 15-30 分鐘


  1. R90 是一个完整的睡眠周期
  2. 每天大约需要4~5个睡眠周期(6h,7.5h),每周35个为佳(平均每天5个)
  3. 如果要补觉,下午1点1.5h,和5点睡0.5h(防止影响晚上睡眠)。
  4. 腺苷与ATP的此消彼长影响睡眠需求
  5. 睡前营造褪黑素环境(提前1个半小时)
  6. 温度18度,弱光环境,减少电子产品
  7. 减少大脑思维频率(想简单快乐的事)
  8. 起床后一个半小时
  9. 早上清醒后至少15分钟的清醒时间才能锻炼。早晨交感神经系统活动性增高,心肌生物电不稳定性增加,易激发致死性心律失常的出现。







  1. 参与人工作日早上9点到(5 mins tolerance),迟到发金额15的激励红包,日结。
  2. 红包数量为群人数-1, 自己不能领。建议手气红包
  3. 支持动态时限:居住外校/先研院,允许推迟半小时到。
  4. 打卡机制:暂无靠自觉,但是被抓双倍惩罚。

  5. 可能的机制:每月大家请打卡最多的人吃饭。

  6. 允许群内合理理由请假。



Ideal Plan



时间 内容
6:30-7:20 review on bed, download & organize secret productions
7:20-8:00 洗漱、早饭、背单词
8:00-8:45 复习钢琴(三遍)
9:00-9:45 Part1:模板类心流工作
10:00-10:45 Part2: 偏思考心流工作(leetcode or codeforces)
11:00-11:10 Part3: 连续或总结上午内容
11:20-11:40 午饭
11:40-12:30 学琴
12:30-14:00 午睡
14:15-14:50 Part4: 模板类心流工作(lab experience)
15:10-15:50 Part5: 偏思考心流工作(lab paper reading)
16:10-16:50 Part6: 偏总结工作(lab writing)
17:00-17:40 跑步拉伸
17:40-18:10 晚饭
19:30-20:30 Part7: rethinking Outdoor
20:30-20:50 特训
21:00-21:30 Part8: interesting (english video, eg CS 61A)
21:30-21:50 洗澡
22:30-22:30 Part9: summary
22:30-22:50 英语
23:00 空调,关灯上床

Actual implementation

  1. get up at 8:45am, need 45 mins to wake up. No time rest for learning english and review the piano
  2. lunch break is almost for games and bilibili
  3. After work time is hard to be used if I stay in the dormitory
  4. detail schdule make me nervous and have nightmares at night

relaxed life illusion

  1. 工作休息的交替方案 应该 覆盖到晚上
  2. 每天弹性可选工作内容,以应对 单一枯燥的问题
  3. 每周设置大小周,周三四早下班(因为星期五有组会)

Flexible schedule

时间 内容
8:15-9:00 起床,洗漱,早饭
9:00-11:00 work time(break every 45 mins)
11:00-13:00 lunch & lunch break
13:00-14:15 午睡
14:30-17:00 work time(break every 45 mins)
17:00-19:00 exercise & dinner
19:00-21:00 self-learning & interesting trying
21:00-23:00 fun break(yoga sth)
23:00-23:30 english listening & reading
23:30-24:00 take a shower & go to bed
24:00-01:50 addtional fun(一四)


从输入到产出,从简单到复杂的渐进和循环的过程,e.g., 记单词(阳台朗读) -> 读文献/听英文 -> 跑脚本 -> 写代码 -> 写总结/读和矫正总结

Optional Work Tasks

Optional work tasks (comprising exhaustive searches, theoretical learning, practical verification, and thoughtful summarization穷举搜索、理论学习, 实践验证,总结思考) are structured in 45-minute work cycles. These tasks are designed to help you maintain a productive and balanced workflow.

  1. Input
  2. Searching: Begin your work cycle by researching and gathering information on the topic at hand. This could involve reading articles, blogs, or relevant materials.
  3. Reading Papers: Dive into academic papers or scholarly articles to deepen your understanding of the subject.

  4. Output

  5. Coding/Action: After accumulating knowledge, put it into practice. Implement what you've learned through coding or by taking actionable steps.
  6. Engaging with ChatGPT: Utilize tools like ChatGPT for brainstorming, motivation, and tracking your progress. This may involve framing your work using the Motivation-Action-Result framework, which can enhance your productivity.

Remember to strike a balance between your input and output efforts. Periodically review your work to ensure that your approach is effective and efficient. These optional work tasks are structured to help you make the most of your work cycles and stay on top of your tasks.

Optional Learning Topics

Interesting Part 1: Impressing Outsiders with Your Work

  1. Data Quantization
  2. Data Visualization and Trends Analysis
  3. Uncovering the KeyPath and STAR of Your Work (Crafting a Captivating Story)
    1. Delving into an Overview and Review
    2. Identifying Milestones, Key Points, and Main Ideas
    3. Simplifying Complex Concepts through Metaphors

Interesting Part 2: Self-Guided Learning

  1. Following Trailblazers in the World of Science
  2. For more details, check out the /subscribe post.
  3. Strengthening Your Basics
  4. Consider watching Stanford's public class videos on YouTube.

Necessary but Less Exciting Part:

  1. Exercise for Fitness
  2. Vocabulary and Phrase Memorization in English
  3. English Listening and Reading Exercises
  4. LeetCode or Codeforces (Coding Challenges)

These optional study topics cover a range of interesting and practical areas, allowing you to choose your learning adventure based on your interests and goals. Whether it's showcasing your work effectively, embarking on self-guided learning journeys, or tending to those essential but perhaps less thrilling tasks, there's something for everyone here.

grid is only for sponsor

Card grids are currently only available to sponsors of the project (Sponsorships start as low as $15 a month)1


  • 走路姿态
  • 坐姿: 活动小腿、脖子


  1. 周报
  2. 工作内容(历史由来,当前工作,之后的计划)
  3. rethink(发现事实细节,明白什么道理,影响之后什么计划)
  4. 每周测试
  5. 减肥上称
  6. 算法周赛 (leetcode in english & codeforces for math)
  7. ?雅思


  1. 完成的内容
  2. 基于….完成…任务
  3. 沟通….达成…目标
  4. 协助….处理…问题
  5. 总结领悟
  6. 调研….输出….报告
  7. 组织…达成….结论



  1. https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/insiders/