
Clash Config 4 yourself


When I see YFY configure his clash settings, I know it's my turn to COPY it. How wonderful experience if there is a mentor when meeting the annoying software config things.


  1. SwitchyOmega is a useful chrome extension, but can not solve the network issues of brower downloading and another game updating
  2. Any tweaks you make to your Clash configuration could get overwritten when updates roll in.

Reconfiguring for Specific Needs

  1. tjupt's tracker need direct access
  2. IEEE paper download need direct access
  3. self-hosted Shadowsocks domain, e.g, warp on node5 machine
  4. Game updating, e.g, BH3 of mihoyo


  1. use the clash url we bought(maybe the ss machine)
  2. And set the rules for myself

Clash Profile Grammar

Fisrt, we should learn the clash config grammar1 and the GUI of app

  • proxy-providers 2 is abstract all vpn severs in the url. But if the url contain some domestic nodes, the url-test will always select it which is useless when using chatGPT some oversea service
  • type: load-balance 负载均衡的好处就是可以规避单节点失效导致无法科学上网的问题。同时在多请求时,可以通过给不同的请求分配不同的节点,将科学上网体验、速度最大化。利用 Clash 客户端的 parsers(预处理)功能,可以完美的实现这个功能。再拉跨的节点,只要数量够多,都可以实现带宽叠加,网速叠加的效果。3

  • 系统代理:就是浏览页面、看视频之类的走代理(魔法上网)。游戏、应用之类的不会走代理(虽然不是绝对)。

  • TUN 模式:就是无论网页、游戏、应用还是什么全部按照规则走代理(魔法上网)。
  • 混合模式:就是上面两个混一起用。

group selected oversea nodes

To use oversea, you need to manual move nodes to your proxies or use tools

select + url-test nest setting

  1. group vpn nodes to oversea or 日本组 using url-test
  2. nest it with select and the default is the first one.


you should replace all GLaDOS things to your vpn node in your clash link.

clash example

hidden in the blog same path named clash.yml


proxy1: missing type

you need finish the node info in proxies

ssh port 22: Permission denied

D:\msys64\home\supertan\.ssh> ssh -v [email protected]
OpenSSH_8.5p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1k  25 Mar 2021
debug1: Reading configuration data /home/supertan/.ssh/config
debug1: /home/supertan/.ssh/config line 38: Applying options for snode6.acsalab.com
debug1: /home/supertan/.ssh/config line 63: Applying options for *
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Authenticator provider $SSH_SK_PROVIDER did not resolve; disabling
debug1: Connecting to snode6.acsalab.com [2001:da8:d800:112::23] port 22.
debug1: connect to address 2001:da8:d800:112::23 port 22: Permission denied
debug1: Connecting to snode6.acsalab.com [] port 22.
debug1: connect to address port 22: Permission denied
ssh: connect to host snode6.acsalab.com port 22: Permission denied


Turn off the TUN Mode to fix this.

[TCP] dial failed

school dns went wrong, you should set dns server to

E:/PowerShell via  v14.17.3 via 🐍 v3.9.7
 nslookup tjupt.org
Server:  tsjOp.lan

*** tsjOp.lan can't find tjupt.org: Server failed

E:/PowerShell via  v14.17.3 via 🐍 v3.9.7
 nslookup tjupt.org
Server:  dns.google

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    tjupt.org
Addresses:  2606:4700:3030::ac43:c631


  1. clash profile 

  2. proxy-providers and official blog 

  3. https://jiasupanda.com/clash-load-balance 
