
How SSG Get Work? & Hugo theme creation


It's not how to customize a Hugo theme but how to create a theme?

Excellent Video Resource

We're still on the lookout for an exceptional blog or overview paper to complement our understanding of this topic. Stay tuned for updates!

Outstanding Blog or Overview Paper

The key words are "rethink", "perspective"

Deploy a real-time interaction example

I choose our achived acsa-lab theme to continue developping.

git clone [email protected]:swangeese/acsa-web.git acsa-web-test
cd acsa-web-test
git clone [email protected]:swangeese/acsa-static.git static
hugo server --bind= --baseURL= -p 1313 -D -d ./public

If you close your firewall ufw status, you can see your web online.

how to create a theme?

create empty theme1

hugo new theme topdown
default files structure explaination
# shaojiemike @ icarus1 in ~/github/acsa-web-test on git:master x [19:37:24]
$ tree themes/topdown
|-- README.md
|-- archetypes
|   `-- default.md
|-- layouts
|   |-- 404.html
|   |-- _default
|   |   |-- baseof.html
|   |   |-- list.html
|   |   `-- single.html
|   |-- index.html
|   `-- partials
|       |-- footer.html
|       |-- head.html
|       `-- header.html
|-- static
|   |-- css
|   `-- js
`-- theme.toml

Only the layouts/_default/baseof.html is not empty

<!-- 文档类型声明,指定文档使用的HTML版本。 -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- input head.html in partials folder to here -->
    {{- partial "head.html" . -}}
        <!-- input header.html in partials folder to here -->
        {{- partial "header.html" . -}}  
        <div id="content">
            <!-- 一个Go语言中的HTML模板引擎语法,表示在这里定义一个名为 "main" 的块。具体的 "main" 块内容将由其他模板文件提供。 -->
        {{- block "main" . }}{{- end }}
        <!-- input footer.html in partials folder to here -->
        {{- partial "footer.html" . -}}


deploy the empty theme
cd /rep-root
hugo server -t topdown --bind= --baseURL= -D -d ../public_2

And the website is clean blank paper

Hugo page model

所以 homepage 点击 后会进入_defaultlist.html , 之后再点击会进入single.html

  1. 同名文件夹
  2. 设置type或者 layout

